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As we collectively grapple with growing disillusionment around the systems, structures, and traditions we’ve been raised in, we each play a unique part in weaving new ways of being into the world. Astrology can support our process.
I currently offer four different kinds of astrology readings. Please click the “+” in the table below to expand a description of what each offering entails and a direct link to book.
Don’t know which reading to book?
See FAQ below.
astrology reading menu
Returning clients may book an Integration Session at any time to continue our conversation, debrief the insights previously gleaned from the chart, and process anything that may have come up since our previous meeting!
The Lunar Nodes are central to Karmic and Kabbalistic Astrology, as they deal with the ways in which our souls grow and transform. The Nodes represent what we have mastered in past lives, places of psychological habit and comfort in this life, and what we are destined to lean into, learn from, and embrace moving forward.
The Lunar Nodes are my favorite element of a birth chart to work with, as they tend to cut straight to the heart of our deepest fears and desires. They are such a powerful catalyst for personal growth as they bring to light what has previously been unconscious.
My goal is for you to finish the reading with a better spiritual understanding of your natal chart and increased access to tools and confidence to take your next steps in embodying your Wholeness.
This reading is an opportunity to get advice, guidance, and prompting questions based on where the Lunar Nodes were in the sky when you were born and aspects they make to other placements your birth chart.
The Nodes can help illuminate that which makes you come alive, offer mythos to explain your seemingly “irrational” fears, highlight what sets you apart from AND connects you to others simultaneously, and provide symbols and checkpoints for the true edges of your personal evolution.
A Lunar Node Reading is 75 minutes long over a Zoom video call. The investment for casting your chart, preparing the material for your reading, and holding session space is $153. There are limited spaces each month for this offering. Please reach out with any questions!
Technically, the Lunar Nodes are the two points in the sky where the moon’s orbit crosses over the ecliptic (the path of Earth’s orbit around the Sun). So, the Lunar Nodes, determine which signs the ECLIPSES will be in!
Eclipses are an energetic reboot, like restarting a computer or signing off and then back on again to clear out bugs and errors. Eclipses are a powerful time when old patterns are illuminated, giving us the option to examine our reactions and to create new ways of showing up in the world.
The Lunar Nodes stay in a pair of signs for approximately 18 months. As they shift through the 12 signs of the zodiac, these powerful teachers signal collective lessons that we will be learning, unlearning, & integrating.
A NATAL chart reading, looking at where the Lunar Nodes were at the time of birth, can teach us much about the evolution of the soul over lifetimes through our unconscious patterns, blocks, and strengths.
Differently, through a TRANSIT reading, we look at where the Lunar Nodes are currently in the sky and how they are interacting with your natal placements for that specific 18-month period of time.
This helps us focus on the present moment to better understand and cope with external life events, move through indecision at crossroads, reconcile seemingly contradicting desires, and figure out what to prioritize at present.
This reading is an opportunity to get advice, guidance, and prompting questions for reflection. My goal is for you to finish the reading with a clearer picture of what lessons the current Eclipse cycles are trying to teach you and offer increased access to tools and confidence to take your next steps in embodying your Wholeness.
A Lunar Node Transit Reading is 60 minutes long over a Zoom video call. The investment for casting your transit chart, preparing the material for your reading, and holding session space is $135. There are limited spaces each month for this offering. Please reach out with any questions!
Pluto is currently crossing a bridge between two distinct parts of your natal chart that this planet has never traversed before and never will again.
Pluto—the planet of death & rebirth, the great composter, the catalyst of transformation, the psychopomp that takes us all back to the soil eventually—teaches us about our power, and simultaneously, teaches us so much about surrender.
As we COLLECTIVELY grapple with growing disillusionment around the systems, structures, and traditions we’ve been raised in, we each play a part in weaving new ways of being into the world.
What are you being asked to step into?
What are you being asked to let go of?
Pluto knows.
Yes! If you try to book a reading and see that there are no spots available on my calendar, please fill out THIS FORM to get on my waitlist to be notified of spots opening due to cancellations!
I can't guarantee space will open within the month you are trying to get a reading. Spaces open up on a monthly rolling basis, so do check back at the end of the month for spots opening for the next month.
For new clients, I generally suggest starting with a Lunar Node NATAL reading because it builds a deeper foundational understanding of what the Lunar Nodes are and how they function in your life regardless of external changes and shifts. This reading is timeless. No matter what you are going through or where you have been, the wisdom of your natal Nodes will help point you in the direction of your most profound evolution.
Sometimes, if people actively are amidst big life changes, a TRANSIT reading can be useful before getting a natal reading for more targeted guidance on what to focus on at the moment. If you think you need this time-specific approach, trust your intuition.
In considering which reading is right for you at this time, please note that a NATAL reading will be more internal--exploring your psychological patterns, habits, unconscious motivations, and long-term tools to break out of stagnancy. A TRANSIT reading doesn't dive as deeply inwards but rather helps make sense of external shifts and our reactions to them, to discern how to move forward with more conscious awareness and clarity.
I hope this is helpful! Book here whenever you are ready.
No, I don't offer a basic chart reading. However, I give evolutionary astrology readings to first-timers often! I break down the language in simple terms, make space for clarifying questions, and find that the themes can be accessible to folks who know absolutely nothing about astrology.
If you do want a "101" overview of your entire natal chart, I recommend booking with my dear friend and trusted fellow astrologer Julia Bray.